
"Sometimes," the dog said, looking beyond her shoulder, "sometimes one must give up everything for love." 


The Princess's lip trembled and she looked away. 


"What will I do?" she cried again. The dog did not answer. She turned toward him and then fell to her knees in shock, for the dog lay motionless on the floor. For hours she sat weeping at his side, holding his lifeless paw. 


At last she went to her cupboard and took out her wedding dress, which was of the softest whitest velvet. She wrapped the dog in its folds and picked him up gently. 


Through the halls of the castle the Princess walked, and the nobility and chambermaids and royal bishops stopped in their busy preparations to watch her, for the Princess had not walked now for many months. 


To their astonished faces she said, "I am going to bury the one who really loved me." 


On the steps of the castle she met the Prince, who was just dismounting and calling out jovial hearty things to his companions. So surprised was he to see her walking that he lost his footing and tumbled to the ground. She paused briefly to look down at him, held the dog closer to her body, and walked on. 


The Prince got up and went after her.  
"What's going on here?" he asked. "What are you doing? Isn't that your wedding dress?" 



She turned so he could see the dog's head where it nestled in her left arm. 


"I thought you got rid of that thing weeks ago," the Prince said. It was difficult for him to find an emotion suitable to this complex situation. He tried feeling hurt. 


?What you call ,,this thing", the Princess said, "died to spare me pain. And I intend to bury him with honor." The Prince only half-heard her, for he was struck by another realization. 


"You're talking!" 

"Yes." She smiled. 



Looking down at him, she said, "I?m talking. The better to tell you good-bye. So good-bye." And off she went. She could stride too, when she wanted to. 


"Well, my dear," the Queen said that night, when the Princess appeared in the throne room. "You've made a proper mess of things. We have alliances to think of. I?m sure you're aware of the very complex negotiations you have quite ruined. Your duty as a Princess ..." 


"It is not necessarily my duty to sacrifice everything," the Princess interrupted. "And I have other duties: a Princess says what she thinks. A Princess stands on her own two feet. A Princess stands tall. And she does not betray those who love her." 


Her royal parents did not reply. But they seemed to ponder her words. 


The Princess lay awake that night for many hours. She was tired from the day's exertions, for she let no other hand dig the dog's grave or fill it but she could not sleep without slippers and stole through the silent castle out of the gravesite. There she mused upon love, and what she had given for love, and what the dog had given. 


"How foolish we are," she said aloud. "For a stupid Prince I let my wise companion die." 


At last the Princess dried her tears on her hem and stirred herself to examine white rose she had planted on the dog's grave. She watered it again with her little silver watering can It looked as though it would live. 


As she slipped to the castle through the ornamental gardens, she heard a quiet jingling near the gate. On the, bridge there was silhouetted a horseman. The delicate silver bridles of his horse sparkled in the moonlight. She could see by his crested shield that he must be nobility, perhaps a Prince. Well, there was many an empty room in the castle tonight, with the wedding feast canceled and all the guests gone home. 


She approached the rider. 


He was quite an attractive fellow, thin with silky golden hair. She smiled up at him, admiring his lean and elegant hand on the reins. 


"Where have you come from?" she asked. 


He looked puzzled. "Truthfully," he replied. "I can't remember. I know I have traveled a long dark road, but that is all I know." He gave an odd little cough. 


The Princess looked past him, where the road was bright in the moonlight. 


"I see," she said slowly. "And what is your banner?" For she could not quite decipher it waving above him. He moved it down. A white rose on a black background. 

"Death," she breathed. 



"No, no." he said, smiling. "Rebirth. And for that, a death is sometimes necessary." 


He dismounted and bent to kiss the Princess?s hand. She breathed a tiny prayer as he straightened up, but it was not answered. Indeed, he was several inches shorter than she was. The Princess straightened her spine. 


"It is a pleasure to look up to a proud and beautiful lady," the young Prince said, and his large brown eyes spoke volumes. 

The Princess blushed. 


"We're still holding hands," she said foolishly. The elegant Prince smiled, and kept hold of her hand, and they went toward the castle. 


In the shadows the Wizard watched them benignly until they were out of sight. Then he turned to the fluffy black cat at his feet. 


"Well, Mirabelle," he said. "One never knows the ways of enchantments." 


The cat left off from licking one shoulder for a moment and regarded him, but said nothing. Mirabelle never had been much of a conversationalist. 


"Ah, well." the Wizard said. "I gather from all this - I shall make a note - that sometimes one must sacrifice for love." 


Mirabelle looked intently at the Wizard. "On the other hand," the cat said at last - "sometimes one must refuse to sacrifice." 


"Worth saying." said the Wizard approvingly, "and true. True" And then, because he had a weakness for talking animals, he took Mirabelle home for an extra dish of cream.



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